本文介绍了OpenAI API的速率限制机制和处理速率限制错误的技巧。文章解释了速率限制的作用,以及通过限制请求次数和防止滥用或误用API来保护API和其用户的可靠操作。同时,本文还提供了示例脚本来限制并行请求以避免速率限制错误。
当您反复调用 OpenAI API 时,您可能会遇到错误消息 429:’Too Many Requests
‘ 或 RateLimitError
。 这些错误消息来自超出 API 的速率限制。
要查看用于限制并行请求以避免速率限制错误的示例脚本,请参阅 api_request_parallel_processor.py。
速率限制是 API 的常见做法,它们的实施有几个不同的原因。
首先,它们有助于防止滥用或误用 API。 例如,恶意行为者可能会向 API 发送大量请求,以试图使其过载或导致服务中断。 通过设置速率限制,OpenAI 可以防止此类活动。
其次,速率限制有助于确保每个人都能公平地访问 API。 如果一个人或组织发出过多的请求,可能会使其他人的 API 陷入困境。 通过限制单个用户可以发出的请求数量,OpenAI 确保每个人都有机会使用 API 而不会遇到速度下降的情况。
最后,速率限制可以帮助 OpenAI 管理其基础设施上的聚合负载。 如果对 API 的请求急剧增加,可能会对服务器造成负担并导致性能问题。 通过设置速率限制,OpenAI 可以帮助为所有用户保持流畅和一致的体验。
尽管达到速率限制可能令人沮丧,但速率限制的存在是为了保护 API 对其用户的可靠操作。
截至 2023 年 1 月,违约率限制为:
文本补全 & 嵌入端点 | 代码 & 编辑端点 | |
免费试用用户 | 20 个请求/分钟 150,000 个令牌/分钟 | 20 个请求/分钟 150,000 个令牌/分钟 |
现收现付用户(前 48 小时内) | 60 个请求/分钟 250,000 davinci 令牌/分钟(对于更便宜的模型,比例更高) | 20 个请求/分钟 150,000 个令牌/分钟 |
现收现付用户(前 48 小时后) | 3,000 个请求/分钟 250,000 个 davinci 令牌/分钟(对于更便宜的型号,比例更高) | 20 个请求/分钟 150,000 个令牌/分钟 |
在这些其他资源中阅读有关 OpenAI 速率限制的更多信息:
- 指南:速率限制
- 帮助中心:API 的使用是否有速率限制?
- 帮助中心:如何解决 429:’Too Many Requests’ 错误?
如果您希望提高组织的速率限制,请填写以下表格:OpenAI 速率限制增加申请表
API请求发送过快会出现限速错误。 如果使用 OpenAI Python 库,它们将类似于:
RateLimitError: Rate limit reached for default-codex in organization org-{id} on requests per min. Limit: 20.000000 / min. Current: 24.000000 / min. Contact support@openai.com if you continue to have issues or if you’d like to request an increase.
RateLimitError:组织 org-{id} 中的 default-codex 已达到每分钟请求的速率限制。 限制:20.000000/分钟。 电流:24.000000/分钟。 如果您仍然遇到问题或想要请求增加,请联系 support@openai.com。
import openai # for making OpenAI API requests # request a bunch of completions in a loop for _ in range(100): openai.Completion.create( model="code-cushman-001", prompt="def magic_function():\n\t", max_tokens=10, )
- 自动重试意味着您可以在不崩溃或丢失数据的情况下从速率限制错误中恢复
- 指数回退意味着您的第一次重试可以快速完成,同时如果您的前几次重试失败,也可以从较长的延迟中受益
- 向延迟添加随机抖动有助于所有重试同时发生
Tenacity是一个Apache 2.0许可的通用重试库,用Python编写,可简化将重试行为添加到几乎任何内容的任务。
import openai # for OpenAI API calls from tenacity import ( retry, stop_after_attempt, wait_random_exponential, ) # for exponential backoff @retry(wait=wait_random_exponential(min=1, max=60), stop=stop_after_attempt(6)) def completion_with_backoff(**kwargs): return openai.Completion.create(**kwargs) completion_with_backoff(model="text-davinci-002", prompt="Once upon a time,")
<OpenAIObject text_completion id=cmpl-5oowO391reUW8RGVfFyzBM1uBs4A5 at 0x10d8cae00> JSON: { "choices": [ { "finish_reason": "length", "index": 0, "logprobs": null, "text": " a little girl dreamed of becoming a model.\n\nNowadays, that dream" } ], "created": 1662793900, "id": "cmpl-5oowO391reUW8RGVfFyzBM1uBs4A5", "model": "text-davinci-002", "object": "text_completion", "usage": { "completion_tokens": 16, "prompt_tokens": 5, "total_tokens": 21 } }
import backoff # for exponential backoff import openai # for OpenAI API calls @backoff.on_exception(backoff.expo, openai.error.RateLimitError) def completions_with_backoff(**kwargs): return openai.Completion.create(**kwargs) completions_with_backoff(model="text-davinci-002", prompt="Once upon a time,")
<OpenAIObject text_completion id=cmpl-5oowPhIdUvshEsF1rBhhwE9KFfI3M at 0x111043680> JSON: { "choices": [ { "finish_reason": "length", "index": 0, "logprobs": null, "text": " two children lived in a poor country village. In the winter, the temperature would" } ], "created": 1662793901, "id": "cmpl-5oowPhIdUvshEsF1rBhhwE9KFfI3M", "model": "text-davinci-002", "object": "text_completion", "usage": { "completion_tokens": 16, "prompt_tokens": 5, "total_tokens": 21 } }
示例 3:手动实现退避
# imports import random import time import openai # define a retry decorator def retry_with_exponential_backoff( func, initial_delay: float = 1, exponential_base: float = 2, jitter: bool = True, max_retries: int = 10, errors: tuple = (openai.error.RateLimitError,), ): """Retry a function with exponential backoff.""" def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): # Initialize variables num_retries = 0 delay = initial_delay # Loop until a successful response or max_retries is hit or an exception is raised while True: try: return func(*args, **kwargs) # Retry on specified errors except errors as e: # Increment retries num_retries += 1 # Check if max retries has been reached if num_retries > max_retries: raise Exception( f"Maximum number of retries ({max_retries}) exceeded." ) # Increment the delay delay *= exponential_base * (1 + jitter * random.random()) # Sleep for the delay time.sleep(delay) # Raise exceptions for any errors not specified except Exception as e: raise e return wrapper @retry_with_exponential_backoff def completions_with_backoff(**kwargs): return openai.Completion.create(**kwargs) completions_with_backoff(model="text-davinci-002", prompt="Once upon a time,")
<OpenAIObject text_completion id=cmpl-5oowRsCXv3AkUgVJyyo3TQrVq7hIT at 0x111024220> JSON: { "choices": [ { "finish_reason": "length", "index": 0, "logprobs": null, "text": " a man decided to greatly improve his karma by turning his life around.\n\n" } ], "created": 1662793903, "id": "cmpl-5oowRsCXv3AkUgVJyyo3TQrVq7hIT", "model": "text-davinci-002", "object": "text_completion", "usage": { "completion_tokens": 16, "prompt_tokens": 5, "total_tokens": 21 } }
# imports import time import openai # Define a function that adds a delay to a Completion API call def delayed_completion(delay_in_seconds: float = 1, **kwargs): """Delay a completion by a specified amount of time.""" # Sleep for the delay time.sleep(delay_in_seconds) # Call the Completion API and return the result return openai.Completion.create(**kwargs) # Calculate the delay based on your rate limit rate_limit_per_minute = 20 delay = 60.0 / rate_limit_per_minute delayed_completion( delay_in_seconds=delay, model="text-davinci-002", prompt="Once upon a time," )
<OpenAIObject text_completion id=cmpl-5oowVVZnAzdCPtUJ0rifeamtLcZRp at 0x11b2c7680> JSON: { "choices": [ { "finish_reason": "length", "index": 0, "logprobs": null, "text": " there was an idyllic little farm that sat by a babbling brook" } ], "created": 1662793907, "id": "cmpl-5oowVVZnAzdCPtUJ0rifeamtLcZRp", "model": "text-davinci-002", "object": "text_completion", "usage": { "completion_tokens": 16, "prompt_tokens": 5, "total_tokens": 21 } }
OpenAI API 对每分钟的请求和每分钟的令牌有单独的限制。
如果您每分钟的请求达到了限制,但令牌每分钟有头空间,您可以通过将多个任务批量处理到每个请求中来提高吞吐量。 这将允许您每分钟处理更多令牌,特别是对于较小的模型。
- *警告:**响应对象可能不会按照提示的顺序返回完成,因此始终要记住使用
import openai # for making OpenAI API requests num_stories = 10 prompt = "Once upon a time," # serial example, with one story completion per request for _ in range(num_stories): response = openai.Completion.create( model="curie", prompt=prompt, max_tokens=20, ) # print story print(prompt + response.choices[0].text)
Once upon a time, before there were grandiloquent tales of the massacre at Fort Mims, there were stories of Once upon a time, a full-sized search and rescue was created. However, CIDIs are the addition of requiring Once upon a time, Schubert was hot with the films. "Schubert sings of honey, flowers, Once upon a time, you could watch these films on your VCR, sometimes years after their initial theatrical release, and there Once upon a time, there was a forest. In that forest, the forest animals ruled. The forest animals had their homes Once upon a time, there were two programs that complained about false positive scans. Peacock and Midnight Manager alike, only Once upon a time, a long, long time ago, tragedy struck. it was the darkest of nights, and there was Once upon a time, when Adam was a perfect little gentleman, he was presented at Court as a guarantee of good character. Once upon a time, Adam and Eve made a mistake. They ate the fruit from the tree of immortality and split the consequences Once upon a time, there was a set of programming fundamental principles known as the "X model." This is a set of
import openai # for making OpenAI API requests num_stories = 10 prompts = ["Once upon a time,"] * num_stories # batched example, with 10 stories completions per request response = openai.Completion.create( model="curie", prompt=prompts, max_tokens=20, ) # match completions to prompts by index stories = [""] * len(prompts) for choice in response.choices: stories[choice.index] = prompts[choice.index] + choice.text # print stories for story in stories: print(story)
Once upon a time, there were two sisters, Eliza Pickering and Ariana 'Ari' Lucas. When these lovely Once upon a time, Keene was stung by a worm — actually, probably a python — snaking through his leg Once upon a time, there was a professor of physics during the depression. It was difficult, during this time, to get Once upon a time, before you got sick, you told stories to all and sundry, and your listeners believed in you Once upon a time, there was one very old nice donkey. He was incredibly smart, in a very old, kind of Once upon a time, the property of a common lodging house was a common cup for all the inhabitants. Betimes a constant Once upon a time, in an unspecified country, there was a witch who had an illegal product. It was highly effective, Once upon a time, a long time ago, I turned 13, my beautiful dog Duncan swept me up into his jaws like Once upon a time, as a thoroughly reformed creature from an army of Nazis, he took On Judgement Day myself and his Once upon a time, Capcom made a game for the Atari VCS called Missile Command. While it was innovative at the time
- 从文件流式请求,以避免对巨大作业耗尽内存
- 并发发出请求,以最大限度地提高吞吐量
- 限制请求和令牌使用,以保持在速率限制之下
- 重试失败的请求,以避免丢失数据
- 记录错误,以诊断请求问题
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